
Game sudden strike 4
Game sudden strike 4

game sudden strike 4

Enter the following text in the address/URL bar.You can toggle an extension off to disable it.You can click on ‘ Remove’ to uninstall them.Now, you’ll see all the extensions in a panel form.Type “ chrome://extensions/” in the address bar (URL bar).This is another effective solution, mostly fix different chrome browser-related problems include “Google Chrome has stopped working” To Remove chrome extensions Re-open the browser, And check it helps.This will automatically check and install the latest updates.type chrome://settings/help and press enter key.

game sudden strike 4

If you don’t have any conflicting software, Chrome advises you to install updates. Once you identify the conflicting software, you can choose to uninstall it using the Settings>Apps>Uninstall method. A list of conflicting software gets displayed.

game sudden strike 4

  • Type “ chrome://conflicts” in the URL bar.
  • Google Chrome offers a troubleshooter to detect the factor that has caused the “Google Chrome has stopped working” error.
  • Next to “Cookies and other site data” and “ Cached images and files,” check the boxes.
  • Or you can use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+del.
  • At the top right, click More tools and select Clear browsing data.

  • Game sudden strike 4